30 Mart 2008 Pazar


Max Weber was a German political economist and sociologist.He was acknowledged as one of fathers of the modern sociology and public administration.He present anti-positivist tradition and developed ideas about ecenomy which cause to make imerge capitalism.His theories is often viewd as a reversal of Marx's thesis 'Materialism'.
As a result of his sociologic studies,he classified social actions into four title:1)traditional 2)affectional 3)value-rational 4)instrumental

Max Weber wrote a book about sociology of region and economics 'The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit Capitalism' Weber's other main contribution to economics is his work on methodology:his theories of "verstehen" and of antipositivism.

Max Weber formulated a three-component theory of stratifiction with social class,social status and party.

**Social class is based on economically determined relationship to the market(owner,renter,employee etc.)

**Status is based on non-economical qualities like honour,prestige and religion.

**Party refers to affiliations in the political domain

All three dimensions have results for what Weber called life chances.


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