30 Mart 2008 Pazar


Frederick Winslow Taylor was a mechanical engineer in America. He study on improving industial efficiency. In his later years he worked as a management consultant. He is acknowledged as father of the scientific management. He thought industrial management works were so amatourish in his days that it prevented efficiency from any work. According to him as long as having a trained and qualified management, a cooperative workforce would bring the best result.Taylor thought 'One Best Way' to do would be found as long as analysing work. He is very famous because of developing the time and motion study. One of his most remembered study involves shovels. He realized that workers used the same shovels for all materials and try to find a more effective way.

Louis Brandeis cogitated the term scientific management, this term had also used in the title of Taylor's monograph The Principle of Scientific Management which is published in 1911.Louis Brandeis is also an active propagandist of Taylorism. This could be proved with closed approached to Taylor's Four principle. Taylor's scientific management includes four principles.

**Instead of using rule-of-thumb work methods,replace this with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks.

**Scientifically select,train and improve each employee,do not leave them to train themselves.

**Provide "Detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that worker's discrete task"

**Seperate the work equally between managers and workers. Therefore while the manager apply scientific management principles to plan the work to be more efficiently,the workers actually perform the tasks.

Frederick Winslow Taylor was the president of American Society of Mechanical Engineering from 1906 to 1907.

Frederick Winslow Taylor had influenced on many scientist in many scientific study all around the world.

In all his life Taylor concerned about some values likethe rule of reason,improved quality,lower costs,higher wages,higher output,labor-management cooperation,experimentation,clear tasks and goals,feedback,training and develop of people. This all values lead to improve efficiency for workers,manager and the system.


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