30 Mart 2008 Pazar


Frank Bunker Gilbreth(1868-1924) graduated last from high school. He began his career as a bricklayer,then he was a building constuctor after that improved his career with being management engineer. Lillian Moller(1878-1972) was the first industial and organizational psychologist. They married in 1904 and managed to do many work together.They are famous all around the scientific world because of their pioneering in the fields of time and motion study,fatigue study,work simplification,scientific management and ergonomics. Frank Bunker developed a system to decrease the fatigue of worker and studied on every worker's movement to increase productivity which is called micromotion study. Frank and Lillian also notice needs to improve the worker's physical comfort and this study led to study of ergonomics.

Gilbreths had a collection called N-file. It includes research materials,reports,photographs,manuscripts,blueprints and other materials about Gilbreth's works. Almost these all studies were concerned with the relationships between human beings and human efforts. They tried to develop motion study as an engineering and management technique.

Frank Bunker met Frederick Taylor in 1907 and after that he became an admiror of him on the work of systems of time study. Furthermore, he and his wife were a member of Taylor Society. In 1914 they broke with Taylor and Frank Bunker and Lillian Moller formed their own scientific management way which focused on the human element as well as technical..


GONDEREN:Mustafa Memisoglu

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